During the period of dentition children are liable to attacks of fever, diarrhoea, convulsion, etc. Dr. Hering says that during this period constant dribbling and looseness of the bowels may be looked upon a salutary, as these have the effect …

Homeopathic Remedies for Cholesterol

Follow the below mentioned top 8 fruitful homeopathic remedies to reduce high cholesterol level in order to get permanent solution of this problem.

Allium sativum:

It is effective homeopathic remedy in reducing the high level of cholesterol. This remedy is …


Ginkgo biloba

GHOSH Jyoti (AHJ, 4, 1/1994)

Gingkgo biloba was proved in 1933 BY E.A. MAURY, first in the mother tincture on seven provers (5 men and 2 women) and then in 6 potency (Korsakoff) on two males. The following important symptoms …

Children concentration

Young children who completely engross themselves in academic work by overtaxing their energy, which in the long run will affect their concentration (Kali-p, Pic-ac) and invite confusion.

Mentally retarded children with attention deficit disorder, who refuse to study, …


Agaricus muscarius

Agaricus rejects to act in harmony with his inner relative feeling of the Good and thereby to develop and purify that feeling. He tries instead to act out of his intellectual notion of absolute Goodness. However, as he isn't absolutely …



Master Prover: Dr Siju P V
Parathion is widely used as an agricultural insecticide. It has been used extensively by farmers on major crops such as wheat, fruits, vegetables, nuts, citrus fruits, alfalfa, corn, soyabean and other field crops. …

Sarracenia purpurea

In Sarracenia we have a favourite remedy as it is regarded as a sort of panacea for all cases of small-pox.
It ought to be a subject of special interest to the Indian homoeopaths.

Numerous cures with Sarracenia, have been …



Thymol is a very powerful germicide, killing the germs of typhoid fever in thirty minutes.
Small doses of Thymus act as a sedative and contrastimulant, the depressive action being preceded by a period of excitation.
Large doses blunt the sensibility …


Nux vomica

(Poison Nut)


⵼ Achievers (want to be the best), ambitious (ruled by their goals), ardent
(Carc, Med, Sulph). Fanatic (zealous); cannot relax, studies all the time.
⵼ Children who are very careful, meticulous, particular; become easily
annoyed …


Cadmium metallicum

Cadmium. Element 48. Group or Column 12 of Periodic Table.
Belonging to group 12 of the periodic table, cadmium stands at the transition of zinc to mercury. As the sulphate or the carbonate, cadmium almost always appears …