
Nux vomica

(Poison Nut)


⵼ Achievers (want to be the best), ambitious (ruled by their goals), ardent
(Carc, Med, Sulph). Fanatic (zealous); cannot relax, studies all the time.
⵼ Children who are very careful, meticulous, particular; become easily
annoyed in the presence of disorder.
⵼ Children who cannot bear noise (e.g. loud music).
⵼ Independent children who would like to do everything on their own from a
very early age.
⵼ Time-bound, hate to wait, extremely punctual in their routine.
⵼ Children who are always busy with some kind of activity (Hyos, Iod, Lach,
Op, Sulph, Tarent, Verat).
⵼ Children who are disposed to anger, spite, or deception (Hahnemann).
⵼ Children who are disposed to reproach their younger siblings (they love
dominating people below them).
⵼ Children who do not want their personal belongings to be touched by
anybody, as they fear their things will not be kept properly after they are
used (Rubric: Rest, cannot, when things are not in proper place).
⵼ Children whose tolerance is reduced for even minor illness.
⵼ Envious children who cannot bear to see other children performing better
than them academically (Hyos, Lach).
⵼ Infants who are easily startled.
⵼ Perfectionism.

⵼ Adapted to academic oriented, studious children who develop stomach and
abdominal complaints from too much studying in school and at home,
and lack of physical exercise.
⵼ Children become addicted to excessive consumption of stimulants like
tea, coffee, and fast foods (spicy and fried) at a very young age.
⵼ Children who cannot tolerate cold in any form (air, baths, climate, draft,
drinks, temperature, weather, wind, etc.).
⵼ Umbilical hernia from constipation or crying.
⵼ Useful in cases where too much of medication has been given to the child,
either in the form of cough syrups, antihistaminic, laxatives, antibiotics, etc.

⵼ Children usually awake with a fit of sneezing.
⵼ Children who are born with digestive disorders and are never well since
⵼ Children who have exerted themselves for a very long time in order to
prepare for their examinations, cutting down heavily on sleeping hours
(Cocc, Nit-ac).
⵼ Colicky pain in breastfed children when the mother consumes excessive
stimulants (tea, coffee, alcohol, spicy or pungent foods).
⵼ Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis (Merc).
⵼ Extremely sensitive to odors.
⵼ Perspiration on the upper lips.
⵼ Retention of urine in newborn, better by hot water bath.
⵼ Thin, spare, with rigid fiber, dark hair and complexion.

Other important symptoms

  • Ailments from disappointed ambition, e.g., not being selected in to lead
    his class, or losing in academic or sports competition.
  • Hate to be disturbed when doing something.
  • Sensitive to noise and to music; aggravate him greatly.
  • Tendency to frown all the time.
  • Abusive.
  • Awkward from bashfulness; drops things.
  • Capricious.
  • Complaining during sleep (censorious nature).
  • Everything and everyone is wrong; only he is right.
  • Get very irritable when too many questions are asked regarding themselves
    (hates people who are inquisitive).
  • Late in learning to write.
  • Makes a lot of gestures with arms when talking (Arg-n, Lach, Sep).
  • Makes many mistakes when speaking, writing, or differentiating objects.
  • Moaning from pain and during fever.
  • Nice with strangers (loves to impress outsiders); rude and abusive with
    family members.
  • Poor in studies, especially in calculations.
  • Precocious children.
  • Vanity.


  • Very disobedient, mischievous, obstinate, sly, defiant children with
    behavioral problems; violent temper with destructive tendencies (tears,
    breaks, kicks, bites, shrieks, spits, strikes, etc.) from slightest contradiction
    or when obliged to answer, with a red face.
  • Very greedy, selfish, and quarrelsome children who love to fight with,
    mock, and ridicule other kids in school.
  • Weeping after anger (easy and early repentance).


  • Head is very sensitive to draft of air.
  • Headache from loss of sleep or excessive study during the night.
  • Perspiration from the forehead while eating spicy and pungent food.
  • Headaches after overeating, during dentition, from anger, exposure to cold
    air, fright, from jar, noise, or sound of footsteps, suppressed perspiration;
    better by wrapping up head or applying hot applications.
    Examination findings:
  • Cerebral hemorrhage.
  • Child desires to lean his head on something, lie down, or hold the head
    during headache.
  • Hydrocephalus.
  • Unable to raise or hold up his head (cerebral palsy).


  • Lachrymation with coryza.
  • Useful in cases of acute conjunctivitis in infants (Arg-n, Puls).
  • Pain in the eyes in the morning on waking or when using them; better by
    cold applications.
  • Photophobia during rage and with headache.
    Examination findings:
  • Atrophy of optic nerve.
  • Bloodshot eyes with a wild look in them.
  • Dilated pupils with fever.
  • Hypermetropia.
  • Nystagmus; pendulum-like movements from side to side.
  • Periodic c onvergent s trabismus.
  • Ptosis, especially of the left upper lid.
  • Spasms of the lids.


  • Impaired hearing after catching a cold (Cham, Puls).


  • Ear affections, especially on the right side.
  • Earache from exposure to wind, in a warm room, or when swallowing.


  • Acute sense of smell with intense sensitivity to odor of flowers; prolonged
    paroxysms of sneezing.
  • Copious, excoriating coryza during the daytime; dry nose at night.
  • Catarrh extending to the frontal sinuses.
  • Constantly picking his nose due to itching inside the nostrils.
  • Coryza on eating; with excessive sleepiness.
  • Snuffles in newborns, especially at night and in a warm room.
  • Violent paroxysmal sneezing on waking in the morning and from
    uncovering, with free-flowing watery coryza.
    Examination findings:
  • Crusts and scabs inside the nostrils.
  • Sharp and pointed nose.


  • Acne on the forehead from gastric troubles, especially when
    constipated, and after taking cheese.
    Examination findings:
  • Cracks on the lower lip, especially in the center; constantly picking his
  • Dark circles around the eye.
  • Left angle of the mouth drops (left-sided lower motor VII nerve palsy).
  • One side pale and cold, the other red and hot.
  • Perspiration on the upper lip.
  • Redness of face with fever.
  • Swollen submaxillary glands.
  • Trembling l ips.
  • Wrinkled f orehead.


  • Desire to clench the teeth tightly all the time.
  • Offensive odor and bad taste in the mouth on waking in the morning
  • Difficult dentition.
  • Pain in the tooth after filling its cavity.
  • Teeth are sensitive to cold water (Calc).


Examination findings:

  • Tongue is dry and cracked, especially at the sides, and has a thick, yellow
    coat on the posterior surface (Merc-i-r).
  • Ulcerative stomatitis; mouth is full of aphthae that prevent the infant
    from nursing.
  • Profuse salivation after eating, and at night.
  • Spongy, scorbutic gums, which bleed easily.
  • Stammering.


  • Choking when going off to sleep (Bell, Lach); needs to keep clearing his
    throat or swallow to feel better.
  • Needs the throat to be covered well all the time (Hep, Kali-c, Sil).
  • Pain in the throat extending to the ears on swallowing, or on coughing;
    better by taking warm drinks.
  • Sore throat with coryza.
    Examination findings:
  • Edematous swelling of the uvula and tonsils.
  • Prominent and swollen veins on the neck.
  • Torticollis; neck is drawn to the left side (Lyc, Phos).


  • Bilious, fetid, bitter, or sour vomiting, with nausea and colicky
    abdominal pains, after anger, from overeating, and during fever; better
    by drinking warm fluids.
  • Intense sensitivity of abdomen to touch, even to pressure of clothes.
  • Violent, convulsive hiccoughs while vomiting or after eating or drinking.
  • Cramps in the stomach with urging for stool immediately after eating (Aloe)
    (Giardiasis or amoebic infections); better by doubling over.
  • Hungry, but averse to food.
  • Ravenous appetite with diarrhea, dysentery, or cough.
  • Retching and vomiting immediately after drinking or coughing, or a few
    hours after eating.
  • Slowness of digestion with easy indigestion after fat, milk, or sour food.
  • Warm food and drinks ameliorate.
  • Aversions: Bread, coffee, food, lemons, meat, and water.
  • Desires: Bitter food, black pepper, fat, indigestible things, lime, pepper,
    pork, pencil lead, spices, stimulants, and sweets.



  • Colic in nursing infants due to stimulants taken by the mother.
  • Cramping, spasmodic pains in the abdomen with constipation, 2-3 hours
    after eating, or after anger in nurslings; worse from touch, better after
    passing stools, doubling over, and by local application of warmth.
  • Gurgling in the abdomen in the morning.
  • Jaundice in the newborn due to suppressed anger in the mother during
    pregnancy (Cham).
  • Tympanitic distention of the abdomen after eating or drinking.
    Examination findings:
  • Left-sided inguinal hernia in children with great tenderness, suggesting
    possible strangulation.
  • Umbilical hernia.
  • Ascites.
  • Intussusception.
  • Liver is hard and tender on palpation.
  • Paralytic i leus.
  • Peritonitis.
  • Splenic e nlargement.
  • Tabes mesenterica.


  • Diarrhea after anger (Coloc, Gels) or fright (Gels).
  • Obstinate constipation in newborns.
  • Tenesmus and burning pains in the abdomen, better after stool.
  • Constant, ineffectual urging for stool during colic.
  • Diarrhea alternating with constipation.
  • Diarrhea in infants after nursing, or from the slightest change in diet.
  • Passes a lot of offensive flatus during stool (Giardiasis) and when coughing.
  • Passes stools involuntarily when passing flatus.
  • Stools: Black, large, hard, dry, and very offensive, with streaks of bloody
    Examination findings:
  • Excoriation of the rectum due to acrid stools.
  • Fissure.
  • Large, strangulated, blind, or profusely bleeding hemorrhoids.
  • Moisture with itching around the anus.
  • Polyps.
  • Prolapse of rectum during stool.


  • Stools: Cyst of amoeba, Giardia lambia, pinworms, roundworms, and
    segments of tapeworm.


  • Spasmodic stricture of the urethra causing painful retention of the
    urine in newborns.
  • Dysuria, with painful spasms of the bladder; infants tend to cry and shriek
    before urinating.
  • Spasmodic nocturnal enuresis.
    Examination findings:
  • Dirty yellowish or reddish sediment on the diaper.
  • Pyelonephritis (due to congenital pyeloureteric angle stricture).
  • Urine: Albumin ++, glucose ++, pus cells ++, and RBC +


  • Orchitis after mumps.
    Examination findings:
  • Hydrocele.
  • Paraphimosis.


  • Leucorrhea in young girls; constant, bland, and offensive, staining the linen


  • Periodical loss of voice or hoarseness.
  • Rattling of mucus in the larynx and trachea, especially in the morning,
    which is ejected with difficulty.
  • Rawness of the larynx from coughing and on inspiring cold air.


  • Asthma in winter.
  • Allergy to dust or mite, which causes bronchospasm.
  • Breathing is difficult or impeded on coughing and from flatulence.
  • Respiration impeded in neonates after midnight.
    Examination findings:
  • Hot breath.
  • Rattling of mucus in the chest.
  • Stridulous or stertorous breathing, with puffing expiration.



  • Constant, dry, exhausting cough with fever or when eating.
  • Coughs on going from open air into a warm room, better by taking warm
  • Dry, incessant coughing fits in nurslings from anger.
  • Paroxysmal, dry, hard, coughing fits after lying down at night, better by
    lying on the side.
  • Violent cough throws the child down.
    Examination findings:
  • Holds his head when coughing.


  • Chilliness in the chest; must keep it covered warm at all times.
  • Pneumonia in infants (Ant-t, Ip).
    Examination findings:
  • Offensive perspiration from the axilla, leaving reddish stains on the clothes
    (Carb-v, Lach).


  • Backache after vexation, and from draft of air (Verat); worse from
    turning in bed; must sit up first and then turn over; better by warm
    applications (Rhus-t).
  • Perspiration from the nape of the neck.
  • Stiffness of the cervical region during coryza.
    Examination findings:
  • Spasmodic drawing of the cervical region, drawing the head back.
  • Opisthotonos.
  • Spinal meningitis.


  • Awkwardness of the extremities; drops things, stumbles or knocks against
    things, or falls when walking.
  • Easy dislocation of the ankle joint (Nat-c, Ruta).
  • Knees knock together when walking, causing him to stumble and fall.
  • Perspires, especially on the palms.
  • Sore, painful corns.
    Examination findings:
  • Blue, cyanotic hands and fingernails.
  • Bluish-black echymotic spots on the leg.
  • Drags his feet while walking.


  • Genu valgum or genu varum.
  • Veins on the hands are swollen.


  • Very light sleeper; disturbed from the slightest sound.
  • During sleep: Grinding of teeth, jerking of limbs, moaning, open mouth,
    salivation, starting as from fright, talking, tossing about, and weeping.
  • Falls asleep when trying to sit and read (Gels), especially in the evening.
  • Falls sleep very late in the night, and finds it very difficult to wake up in the
  • Insomnia in children during full moon.
  • Short sleep satisfies him.
  • Sleepiness with headache and after eating.
  • Sleeps on the back, with hands flat under the occiput or over the head, and
    the lower limbs spread apart.


  • Ailments from: Anger, autumn, during dentition, gastric upset, overstudy,
    and walking in open air.
  • Aversion to uncovering in any stage of fever, with a desire for warmth, but
    it does not ameliorate.
  • Chill:
  • Violent, shaking chills, with icy coldness of the body and bluish face,
    hands, and nails.
  • Chill with irregular periodicity in children prone to recurrent malaria.
  • Convulsions occur during this stage of fever, with trembling of the body
    or alternating flexion and extension of the extremities.
  • Worse after drinking, from motion, from slightest draft of air, in the
    morning, and when in the open air.
  • Heat:
  • Acuteness of hearing, back pain, dryness and pain in the larynx with a
    dry paroxysmal cough, extreme thirst, pain in the eyes, profuse
    salivation and scanty, reddish-brown urine, passed with ineffectual
  • Unilateral dry burning heat of the body or just the forehead is very hot
    to touch, with icy coldness of the hands.
  • Child becomes taciturn and is very sleepy during the heat stage.
  • Worse at night.
  • Heat stage alternates with the chill stage.
  • Irregular paroxysms of fever, increasing in severity.


  • Urticaria in the evening and night.
    Examination findings:
  • Gooseflesh ( Hell).
  • Nevi.


  • Ailments from: After a feed, anger, colic, dentition, excitement, fever,
    hemorrhage, injury, light, masturbation, motion, noise, sight of stranger,
    while passing stools, and worms.
  • Before convulsions: Eructations.
  • During convulsions:
  • Convulsive clenching or contraction of tendons of hands and feet,
    diplopia, dyspnea, involuntary urination, perspiration, rage, red or
    bluish facial discoloration, shrieking, and weeping.
  • Child is conscious during the epileptic attack.
  • Child lies with the limbs abducted.
  • Convulsions in newborns are worse from bright light, draft of air, and
  • Convulsive movements are better by holding the child tightly and by
    forcible extension of body.
  • Head is drawn backward or the child falls backwards or on the side.
  • The lower limbs are alternately flexed and extended.
  • After convulsions: Sleeplessness or deep sleep.


  • Ailments from abuse of purgatives or quinine (and all other anti-malarial
    drugs); change of weather; dry, cold weather; hemorrhages;
    masturbation; and suppressed coryza or eruptions.
  • Collapse with icy cold skin.
  • Cyanosis.
  • Debilitating perspiration with an offensive, sour odor, staining the linen red,
    from the slightest provocation.
  • Dropsy from liver disease (biliary atresia leading to cirrhosis).
  • Emaciation in infants, despite ravenous appetite.
  • Faintness in a crowded room, from odors, after diarrhea, from anger.
  • Intolerance of clothing.
  • Right-sided complaints.