
Mimosa pudica

PHARMACY – mim-p. Mimosa pudica. N. 0. Leguminosae. Mimosoideae. Brazil and India. Tincture is prepared from the root and the flowers. Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies.
CLINICAL-Allergies. Backache. Blepharitis. Colic. Conjunctivitis. Coryza. Cough. Diarrhea. Enterocolitis. Fistulae. Headache, hemorrhoids, hydrocele. Hypersensitivity. Influenza. Otitis. Pains. Photophobia. Salivation. Scorpion, bites. Sinusitis.
HERBAL – Mimosa Pudica is ligneous with regular flowers in clusters with reduced corolla, meristenous androecium and albuminous seeds. It is a tropical plant originating from Brazil and in the warm parts of India. The root contains 10% tannin, and its common usage suggests that it is an aphrodisiac.
HOMEOPATHIC – The homeopathic proving is the work of Sankaran (Mumbai), who experimented with it on six young provers, for three weeks, using the potencies 3x and 6x in 1968-69.
Sensitiveness and headache above the eyes, aggravated by movement, ameliorated by closing the eyes. Irritation of the conjunctiva and nasal mucus membranes. Pains in the shoulders. Diarrhea with abdominal colic and irritating stools. Feeling that the body is too big.
MIND-General irritability. Annoyed by the thought of taking medicine. Easily angered, it takes a long time to forgive. Sensitivity, impression that the body is too large.
ABDOMEN – Pain in the epigastric region, worse when coughing.
BACK – Backache. Dorsal pain. Sharp pain in both shoulders.
CHEST – Thoracic pain, especially around the lower part of the large pectoral muscle. Better by a hot bath and by abduction movement of the arm, worse fresh air.
CONSTITUTIONS – Allergic and psoric constitutions. Tubercular, nervous types, predominantly phosphoric.
EARS – Sudden, acute stinging pain, especially in the right ear. Pain coming in the evening, lasting through the night. Pain worse when lying on the right side with pressure and draft of air. Pain ameliorated by lightly covering the ear. Buzzing in the ears. Hears less well against a noisy background.
EYES – Burning in the eyes, worse from a draft of air. Blepharitis. Conjunctivitis. Photophobia with headaches, aggravated by the sun. Vision slightly blurred. Eyelids secrete a yellowish pus, which forms in the corner of the corner of the eye. Eyelids stuck together in the morning on waking.
HEAD – Headache above the eyes, especially at the left eyebrow. Headache aggravated by straining the eyes, or by quarreling. Headache, worse from movement, ameliorated by closing the eyes or by a tight bandage.
LUNGS-Dry cough.
MALE – Increase of sexual desire.
MODALITIES – Better by friction, tight bandage, hot bath. Worse from a draft, movement, bright light.
MOUTH-Abundant ptyalism throughout the body. Nocturnal salivation when lying on the right side. Loss of sense of taste.
NOSE – Irritation of the nasal mucus membranes. Coryza. Constant discharge of a watery secretion.
RECTUM – Irritating stools with abdominal colic. Stools frequent, as often as ten times a day. Better after evacuation. Ameliorated by rubbing the abdomen.
THROAT – Pain and tickling in the throat, ameliorated by a hot drink, aggravated by speaking and by coughing.
COMMENTS – Mim-p. has been used as a decoction of the root (1:10), to be prescribed for gravel and all urinary complaints. The infusion of the leaves has been used as a blood cleanser. Powder of the leaves and root is for fistulae and hemorrhoids. The juice can be used as an application for insect and scorpion bites, hemorrhoids and fistulae. A paste made from the leaves is an effective application for hydrocele. The leaves can be used in the bath for cases of lumbar and hip pains.
RELATIONS – Compare: (1) Euohr. – Inflammation of the nose and eyes. Aggravated by light and air, ameliorated in darkness when lying down. (2) Sabad. – Senses: irritation of the mucus membranes in the nose and the throat. Ameliorated by hot drinks. (3) Psor. – Periodic migraines, worse from the slightest draft, hypersensitive to the cold, sudden nocturnal diarrhea with a fetid odor.