

During the period of dentition children are liable to attacks of fever, diarrhoea, convulsion, etc. Dr. Hering says that during this period constant dribbling and looseness of the bowels may be looked upon a salutary, as these have the effect …

Homeopathic Remedies for Cholesterol

Follow the below mentioned top 8 fruitful homeopathic remedies to reduce high cholesterol level in order to get permanent solution of this problem.

Allium sativum:

It is effective homeopathic remedy in reducing the high level of cholesterol. This remedy is …

Children concentration

Young children who completely engross themselves in academic work by overtaxing their energy, which in the long run will affect their concentration (Kali-p, Pic-ac) and invite confusion.

Mentally retarded children with attention deficit disorder, who refuse to study, …


There are still confusion and conflicting studies about the use of cellphones. The research does indicate that a child’s brain from ages five to twenty receives more cellphone radiation than an adult because of their thinner skulls and smaller brains. …


It’s not called the “common” cold for nothing—at some point just about everyone gets one, and many people get more than one cold each year. Sometimes colds, which are the body’s way of dealing with viruses in our upper-respiratory tract, …

Catarr, Flu  

The information provided here is not only applicable to children but to most people with the common cold. Not every cold needs to be treated, since the body's natural reaction to the cold virus is a healthy response. Consider treating …


The causes:

There are more than 200 different viruses that cause colds and this is one of the reasons we get so many. Top of the list are rhinoviruses, but corona viruses, adenoviruses and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can all …

External use of mother tinctures


A combination of these two herbs in an ointment or cream provides relief from painful piles, but you should seek professional help so that they can be treated ‘from the inside’ to prevent their recurrence.



Pregnancy Materia Medica


No.1 Remedy for panic

Keynote: Restless

Strange rare and peculiar symptom: Waking to urinate between 12 and 3am Emotional state: Fearful and withdrawn from loved ones

Worse: For being touched.

People who need Aconite are restless and tend to …