The causes:

There are more than 200 different viruses that cause colds and this is one of the reasons we get so many. Top of the list are rhinoviruses, but corona viruses, adenoviruses and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can all …


Abelmoschus moschatus

Vermulen Synoptic Ref

Abelmoschus moschatus. Syn.: Hibiscus abelmoschus. Musk mallow. Ambrette. Musk okra.
Family Malvaceae. Order Malvales.
Musk mallow is a herbaceous annual or biennial, erect or trailing, to 1.5 m high, with rough, hairy, lobed leaves and large …


Lac caninum – medicine selection as an art

Recently, an acute case presented itself, with fever, drawing pains in the limbs, lumbar backache, sore throat, headache and restlessness; the patient is of a highly nervous temperament and was depressed to the point of tearfulness; she complained of the …

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Boron, a remedy for immaturity and fragmentation. Boron cases are jumpy. They cannot grasp how things work (pointing to their childishness), and dare not say no. Their pathology may stem from abuse, incest, and loss of parents. …


Boron metallicum – mentally confused

PHARMACY – bor-met. Boron metallicum. Boron metal. Historical dose: Trituration and all potencies.

CLINICAL – Anemia, aphthae. Arthritis. Bronchitis. Conjunctivitis. Constipation. Cystitis. Diarrhea. Ear, infections. Eczema. Epilepsy. Gastritis. Herpes. Joint pains. Leucorrhea. Mastitis. Motion sickness. Nausea. Osteoporosis. Parkinson's disease. Sterility. …


Thuja : hiding from the world

This excerpt is reprinted from Core Elements of the Materia Medica of the Mind Volume 11 by Ananda Zaren which will be published in May of 1994, by Burgdorf Publishers.

Thuja individuals sustain wounds early in life that penetrate deeply …


Cathartes aura

A proving of Turkey Vulture

Dr. Todd Rowe MD(H), CCH, DHt

Edited by Yolande Grill HMA, CCH

This page contains a brief introduction and some highlights of this proving.  A complete booklet of the proving results with discussion and comparison …


Levisticum officinale

  • Anorexia nervosa – specifics (Farokh Master)
  • ABDOMEN – INFLAMMATION – Small intestine
  • Child cries for "no cause" at night. Use 200 or 1M potency (Chatterjee T. P.)

Culpepper's Herbal
General – Resists poison and infection, ague, pains …


Benzochinonum, para

p-Benzochinonum, p-Benzoquinone, 1,4-Benzoquinone, para-Benzoquinone, para-Quinone, Quinone

Important Proving Symptoms and Themes Noted by the Investigators

Increased energy and alertness, as if had drunk coffee, with irritability and hypersensitivity to people and noise. Right-sided headache in temples, with photophobia. Severe headache …



But I do nothing upon myself, and yet I am my own Executioner.
[John Donne]

Hippomane mancinella. Manchineel. Beach Apple. Manzanillo. N.O. Euphorbiaceae.

CLASSIFICATION Hippomane mancinella is one of the five species of the genus Hippomane, a genus native …