Ginkgo biloba
GHOSH Jyoti (AHJ, 4, 1/1994)
Gingkgo biloba was proved in 1933 BY E.A. MAURY, first in the mother tincture on seven provers (5 men and 2 women) and then in 6 potency (Korsakoff) on two males. The following important symptoms were obtained in these provings:
- Irrational fears, with rapid speech
- Suppressed anger, critical nature
- Heaviness in the frontal region of the head
- Pain above the left orbital nerve
- Vertigo
- Buzzing in the ears
- Excessive sweating on the nape of the neck
- Pallor, general weakness with shivering
- Colic followed by diarrhoea-like stools
- Sensation of heat in the digestive tract
- Parotid congestion
- Laryngeal irritation with cough
- Sensation of impaired vision
- Oliguria
- Weak legs (legs feel like jelly)
- Cold feet
LEESER and VOISIN in another proving stated the following symptoms as being frequently noticed:
- Paraesthesias: pricking, tickling, and tingling
- of the fingers, forearms, shoulders and face
- Cold extremities
- Pallor
- Auditory dysfunction
- Nausea and vomiting
- Tendency toward capillary haemorrhage
- Itching
- Tendency toward right-sided cardiac insufficiency
- Blood coagulation dysfuntion
- Muscular weakness and debility