Dichapetalum thunbergh
PHARMACY – dicha. Dichapetalum thunbergh. Dichapetalaceae or Chailletiaceae family. The flower inhabits tropical the regions. Tincture of leaves and bark. Historical dose: Tincture and all potencies.
CLINICAL – Arthrosis. Cellulitis. Duodenal, ulcer. Eczema. Hernia. Joint, pain. Lichen planus. Migraines. Neuralgias. Rhinitis. Sinusitis. Tonsillitis. Vertigo.
HERBAL – Dicha. is a dicotyledonous family with super-ovarized dialypetals, growing as trees or shrubs with simple alternate leaves, flowers in clusters or corymbs. The fruit is a drupe with a pendant seed, which has no albumen.
HOMEOPATHIC – Dicha. was brought to Europe by Dr. Willmar-Schwabe of Germany. The symptomatology was established by G. Maring on a group of four women and three men, all doctors. Using a double blind method, the Зх, 4x, 6x, 15x, and 30x potencies were used, along with a placebo.
General fatigue of the body, despite a state of euphoria when working. Sudden lack of energy with fatigue and a feeling of hunger, ameliorated by food and alcohol. Sullen mood. Inner trembling. Snuffles. Sensation of trembling inside the entire body.
Stiffness at the nape of the neck, back, loins and sacrum. Occipital headaches. Migraines. Vertigo, buzzing in the ears, visual and psychosomatic complaints. Radicular neuritis. Chronic infection of the mucus membranes. Cervical and brachial neuralgia. Lichen planus.
MIND – Sullen moods. Mental fatigue. Disinterested, must make an effort to work.
ABDOMEN – Rumbling and pinching feeling in the abdomen, ameliorated by eating and expelling wind. Passage through intestines accelerated with more frequent stools. Duodenal ulcer. Diaphragmatic hernia.
BACK – Pain between the shoulders. Pain in the right shoulder, spreading towards the neck. Dorsal pain and stiffness like ankylosis. Severe pain and stiffness in the lumbar region, when seated or when walking. Pain in the lumbar region with drawing pains around the thighs. Drawing pains in the sacrum, ameliorated by urinating or expelling wind, worse when standing. Cellulitis of the nape of the neck.
CHEST – A retro-sternal pain, worse when swallowing.
FEMALE – Premature, too frequent menses. Amelioration of rheumatic pains at the beginning of menses.
FOOD – Low blood sugar. Fatigue is ameliorated by food and alcohol.
HEAD – Migraines. Occipital headaches. Pounding headache on all sides of the head, better by rest and fresh air. Diffuse, dull head pain with numbness of the head. Pain and stiffness at the nape of the neck.
HEART – Pain in the precordial region with palpitations, followed by ascending hot flushes. Cardiac anguish with feeling of uneasiness and difficulty in falling asleep.
LIMBS – Fatigue and rheumatic pains in the limbs. Joint pain. Arthrosis. Legs feel like rubber. Heaviness in the calves.
MODALITIES – Better from fresh air. Better resting. Better eating. Better from menses. Worse on right side. Worse from standing. Worse walking.
MOUTH – Dryness, formication and tension at the lips. Quick, short, drawing pains in the teeth of the lower jaw.
NOSE – Itching of the nose and face. Feeling of having a cold with blocked nose. Painful drawing sensation at the root of the nose, especially when the eyes converge to read. Sinusitis. Rhinitis.
RECTUM – Bleeding hemorrhoids.
SKIN – Deep eczematic fissure on the palm of the hand, stretching along the ’lifeline,'with scaly eruption at the edges. Herpes-type eruptions, which itch, on the inner side of the left ankle with burning and scratching. Lichen-type eczema, in cement workers and bakers. Lichen planus.
TEMPERATURE – Shivering and sensation of cold, even when in a warm room. Rising heat, as if about to have a fever.
THROAT-Tonsillitis. Painful pulling on the right tonsil. Feeling of a grating lump in the throat. Fit of laryngeal coughing. Aphonia, ameliorated after speaking for a longtime. Swallowing painful on the right side of the throat. Dysphagia.
RELATIONS – Compare: (1) Rhus-t. – Aching, stiffness, ameliorated by prolonged movement, vesicular eruptions, burning and itching. (2) Tub. – Joint pains with stiffness, dragging, worse on waking and after meals. (3) Zinc-Occipital pain with heavy feeling on the vertex or the root of the nose. Nose blocked, burning pains in the back, fidgety feet.